The series itself revolves around James Reece, played by Chris Pratt, who, after returning from war, can no longer rely on his own memory. In line with this theme, the campaign sought to put the memory skills of Twitch streamers and their communities to the test through a series of engaging physical games.
Four of the biggest German streamers and their dedicated communities faced off in a showdown that pushed their memory capabilities to the limits. The essence of the campaign lay in how well these streamers and their communities could communicate and strategize to overcome challenges. Each streamer relied on their community, both in the Twitch chat and via Discord Video, to coordinate and execute the best strategies. Meanwhile, rival communities vied for control or attempted to disrupt their opponents' plans, adding an extra layer of excitement.
The campaign kicked off on the streamers' own channels, spanning platforms like Twitch, Instagram, and Discord. As part of the excitement, viewers had the opportunity to apply and become direct aids for the streamer during the final showdown.
With thousands of people actively participating in the chat, 80 individuals joining in via Discord video, and a passionate group of die-hard fans present on set, the streamers delivered an unforgettable show that spanned over three thrilling hours. More than ten exciting games put memory, communication, and strategy skills to the test, creating an immersive experience that left the Twitch community buzzing with excitement.
Client: Amazon Prime Video
Market: DE
Role: Creative Lead
Partners: Streamdoctors, Eva Riha & Sophie Hoozemans, Event Department and DDB-Lighting.